Foods that must be avoided for people with high blood pressure

Many people ignore the number of calories in food consumed. In addition to making it difficult to achieve an ideal body weight, it can have a negative impact on those who have high blood pressure (hypertension). Though maintaining an ideal body weight or reducing weight, can help you control your high blood pressure.

In addition to the number of calories, salt becomes high blood pressure that needs attention. Salt contains sodium which, if the levels increase in the blood, can affect blood pressure. For people with hypertension, it is recommended not to consume more than 1500 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day.

Meanwhile, the content in foods that can help maintain blood pressure stability include fiber, magnesium, and potassium.

The following are various high blood pressure foods that need to be limited or avoided:

1. Foods contain saturated fats and trans fats

Saturated fat and trans fat are the two main enemies that become high blood pressure. One of the most preferred foods that are rich in saturated fat is chicken skin. In addition, some types of foods are rich in saturated fat including red meat, butter, and high-fat milk. Too much saturated fat and trans fats are too bad news for people with high blood pressure. Both can increase LDL or bad cholesterol. Soaring bad cholesterol levels make people with high blood pressure worse and their blood pressure worse and more susceptible to coronary heart disease.

2. Packaging food

Pizza bought in frozen packs, is generally more risky because more salt is added than the pizza you eat right away. Even though salt and sodium are very dangerous if consumed in excess for people with high blood pressure. In addition, the foods in the packaging that also need to be considered include consumption of soup or sauce in the packaging. In one can, bottled soup contains sodium up to 900-2,000 mg. It is recommended to consume low-salt soups or sauces made from fresh ingredients.

3. Coffee and other caffeinated drinks

Not only foods that become high blood pressure, there are also drinks that need attention, namely coffee, tea and soda. The three drinks contain caffeine which can contribute badly to people with hypertension. Caffeine is a substance that can increase blood pressure levels temporarily. People with high blood pressure should ask your doctor whether you need to limit caffeinated drinks or not. But, you should limit the drink to only 200 mg per day. This amount is equivalent to a cup of brewed coffee with a capacity of 355 ml.

4. Pickles

Maybe there are many who like foods that are equipped with pickled vegetables. However, usually to be durable and tasty, pickles are usually given salt. Of course excessive salt content can have a bad effect on the health of people with hypertension. As an anticipation step, pickles that can be chosen are pickles containing salt below 100 milligrams.

In addition to avoiding a variety of high blood pressure foods above, people with hypertension also need to exercise regularly, lose excess weight, and manage stress well. For people with high blood pressure, living a healthy lifestyle is one of the keys to maintaining stable blood pressure. Consult with your doctor to get recommendations for the right diet for people with high blood pressure.

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