10 Fruits to treat hypertension

For those of you with high blood pressure or hypertension, limiting salt intake is something important. In addition, the intake of vitamins and minerals and fiber contained in vegetables and fruits can also help keep blood pressure stable.

Here are fruits to help keep blood pressure steady:

1. Banana

Banana for high blood is useful because the content is rich in potassium. This high potassium content is good for people with high blood pressure. The combination of high potassium and very low salt makes bananas to reduce high blood pressure.

The higher the potassium level, the lower the risk of heart attack and stroke because potassium compensates for the role of sodium in the body. In addition, bananas are good for people who are stressed. When stressed, the body's metabolism increases dramatically to reduce potassium levels. By eating bananas, potassium levels will return to balance.

2. Avocados

Besides containing good fats, avocados are also rich in minerals and vitamins that help lower blood pressure. In half an avocado contains 10 percent calcium, 5 percent calcium and 1 percent calcium. In addition, avocados also contain carotenoids which can help maintain heart health.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon contains magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and C and a number of other important nutrients. A study shows that watermelon extract can help someone who is obese to control blood pressure.

4. Kiwi

This sweet-flavored fruit contains potassium, folate, vitamins C and E. In addition, this green fruit is also rich in antioxidants and fiber. With some of these ingredients, kiwi is believed to help control blood pressure. Besides being beneficial for people with high blood pressure, this fruit can also overcome asthma, help the digestive system and improve the immune system.

5. Grapes

Polyphenols or antioxidants in grapes are useful for fighting free radicals in the body. Meat and grape skin contain lots of polyphenols. In addition, wine is also useful for preventing metabolic syndrome, a condition that can increase blood pressure.

6. Pomegranate
Red pomegranates have many benefits, one of the benefits of which is to help lower blood pressure. A study revealed, consumption of pomegranates every day for 4 weeks, can reduce blood pressure. This is because the content of polyphenols and potassium in removing pomegranates.

7. Berries

Consuming 100 grams of strawberries or blueberries every week can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. With an anthocyanin content that gives bright color to berries - it turns out this can also reduce high blood pressure.

8. Fruit bits

Many studies reveal, consumption of beets can reduce high blood pressure. The study said, a decrease in systolic blood pressure occurred 6 hours after consuming beetroot. The nitrate content in beets is believed to be able to reduce high blood pressure.

9. Green vegetables

In addition to bananas for high blood pressure or other fruits as described above, green vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens, and others also contain high potassium. What's more, green vegetables also contain calcium which is also useful as a high blood pressure food.

10. Yogurt

The body's limited calcium intake can be one of the factors that cause high blood pressure. Therefore, you must fulfill calcium in your daily intake. Yogurt is a calcium-rich food.

At 170 grams of yogurt contains 300 mg of calcium, which is almost 1/3 of your calcium needs. The content of sodium in yogurt is also low, making it safe for you with hypertension. Because of its probiotic content, yogurt can also be a high blood-lowering food.

In the end, even though the function of potassium and bananas for high blood pressure is very important for the health of the body, avoid excessive potassium intake (hyperkalemia). Too much potassium intake can be dangerous for people with kidney disorders. This is because the kidneys become unable to get rid of excess potassium in the blood.

In addition, hyperkalemia can cause arrhythmias, which are changes in heart rhythm that can endanger life. This condition can lead to ventricular fibrillation which causes the lower heart to vibrate rapidly, but does not pump blood.

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