7 Important Keys to Reducing Blood Pressure


Doing various tips and ways to reduce high blood pressure is arguably an easy matter. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a chronic condition in which blood pressure in the arterial wall increases.

Hypertension can be caused by lifestyle factors, heredity (genetic), or both. Although it looks trivial, however, hypertension can be dangerous if left untreated because it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes.

To find out your blood pressure, the only way to do it is to measure blood pressure.

If hypertension is caused by hereditary (genetic) factors, you should take certain drugs to reduce blood pressure. However, if hypertension is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, you must change your lifestyle into a healthier lifestyle

How to reduce high blood pressure is effective?

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition when a person's blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg. Normally, blood pressure in healthy people ranges from 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg. Here are some things you can do as a way to reduce high blood pressure:

1. Maintain weight

One way to reduce high blood pressure is to maintain an ideal body weight, meaning the weight you should have according to your height. Maintaining a healthy weight for your body type can help maintain your blood pressure. Therefore, throwing excess weight is very important as the success of how to reduce high blood pressure.

2. Exercising 

Exercising regularly, at least 30 minutes per day in a week, can be a slow but sure way to reduce high blood pressure. Why should it be done regularly? The reason is because if you stop exercising, your blood pressure will increase again.

If you have pre-hypertension, exercise can help you to prevent hypertension. Or, if you already have hypertension, exercising will help your blood pressure at a safe level.

The form of exercise that you might try to lower blood pressure is walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or even dancing. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) says that simple exercises such as walking or doing homework can reduce blood pressure. ACSM recommends a minimum of half of moderate physical activity hours five days a week.

By combining cardiovascular exercises (such as running or swimming) in your routine, it can improve circulation, increase lung capacity, and improve heart efficiency. This combination will reduce your blood pressure.

3. Reduce salt consumption 

One of the causes of high blood pressure is excessive salt consumption. Therefore, to reduce blood pressure, you must reduce salt intake to less than about one teaspoon of salt per day can make a big difference in your blood pressure.

4. Eat healthy food 

As part of how to reduce high blood pressure, try to eat foods that are rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and cholesterol. Although changing your eating habits is not an easy thing to do, you can try to adopt a healthy diet like the following:
  • Write a food diary. The goal is to monitor what and how much food you have eaten.
  • Consider increasing potassium by consuming fruits and vegetables. Potassium can reduce the effect of sodium on blood pressure.
  • Be a smart buyer, by reading food nutrition labels when you shop, and stick to a plan to eat healthy foods - even if you eat out.
5. Stop smoking 

Apparently, every cigarette you consume can contribute to your increased blood pressure. Therefore, quitting smoking will help you reduce blood pressure.

6. Activity outdoors 

Low levels of vitamin D in the body play a role in increasing blood pressure. In addition, according to one study, it was found that taking vitamin D supplements did not help increase blood pressure.

For that, one way you can do it is to move outdoors so that your skin is exposed to sunlight. Based on a study in 2014, it was found that when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the chemical reaction will cause blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to decrease.

7. Check your blood pressure regularly 

Checking your blood pressure regularly can be a way to reduce high blood pressure. Regular monitoring of blood pressure can help you make prevention efforts to avoid an increase in blood pressure or even hypertension.

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