Lower hypertension in a week with these 3 spices

Lower hypertension in a week with these 3 spices
Image from pixabay.com

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the diseases that is a silent killer. Because this disease does not directly cause visible health hazards. But when a relapse, then hypertension or high blood pressure can lead to a stroke.

This disease is characterized by rising blood pressure levels so that if left unchecked can trigger a stroke. Normal blood pressure is in the range of 120/80 mmHg. Usually the rise in blood pressure is related to the high content of fat and salt in the bloodstream. Blood flow becomes not smooth so that makes the heart have to work hard to pump it. That is why hypertension is associated with coronary heart disease.

For this reason, for those of you who suffer from hypertension, you are obliged to treat this disease with proper treatment. In addition to drugs, there are actually some spices that can help you reduce hypertension even in just a week. Here are 3 herbs that can reduce hypertension in 1 week

1. Oregano

Lower hypertension in a week with these 3 spices
Image from pixabay.com
For you spaghetti lovers, of course you know with this one ingredient, oregano. Oregano is often used for Italian cooking, especially for pasta sauces and has a different taste and aroma when you add oregano to your cooking. Oregano is a plant that is still one sibling with mint leaves. However, oregano has a slightly bitter taste and has a warm taste when eaten. The color of the leaves of fresh green oregano at a glance is similar to mint leaves but smaller in size. Usually for food mix, you can use dried oregano because it has more aroma and certainly not so bitter when eaten. Oregano that has been dried has a pale brown color and its size is very small like powder because when drying you can chop it into small sizes making it easier for you to process it. Besides pasta, oregano is also used in making pizza.

Oregano has nutrients such as manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron which are good for the immune system.

In addition, consuming oregano turned out to be beneficial for reducing high blood pressure because it is rich in antioxidants and contains omega 3 fatty acids. The good news, omega 3 fatty acids are also useful for reducing cholesterol levels in your body.

2. Lavender

Lower hypertension in a week with these 3 spices
Image from maxpixel.net
The aroma of lavender is not just typical, but also soothing. The aroma contains anti-neurodepressive which can give a relaxing effect that gives calm. Even the sedation effect of using aromatherapy at night can help sleep faster. Insomnia disorders can be overcome this way.

To complete your daily relaxation ritual, drop lavender essential oil before soaking in the bathroom or feel the soothing aroma directly by drinking tea from lavender flowers.

In addition, it can also be a safe alternative medicine for dealing with stress. Stress itself is associated with hypertension or high blood pressure. So inhaling lavender is very beneficial for reducing high blood pressure.

3. Mint leaves

Lower hypertension in a week with these 3 spices
Image from pixnio.com
Mint leaves or known by the scientific name Mentha piperita L is an herbal plant that is very well known throughout the world, especially since it is widely used for various products such as breath fresheners, chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash and wind oil.

The benefit of mint is its ability to relieve stress by inducing a sense of calm. Antispasmodic activity and sedatives can relieve tension while reducing mild muscle pain. A study revealed, applying mint oil on the temples and forehead can relieve headaches.

Mint leaves are very useful for increasing blood circulation and increasing healthy blood cell production. Thus mint leaves are also useful for controlling hypertension.

So, without using drugs, you can try the herbs above to reduce hypertension in your body. Good luck!

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