7 Hypertension-lowering foods containing high potassium levels

Image by Anelka from Pixabay
Health experts advise people with hypertension to maintain a lifestyle to prevent more serious health problems like heart disease or stroke. One way that can be done to prevent it is to eat foods high in potassium.

The benefits of potassium for blood pressure

Health experts call potassium able to prevent bad exposure to the sodium content found in salt. By increasing the intake of foods that are high in potassium, the kidney's performance will also be more efficient so that this will affect the body's fluid balance. This certainly will affect the decrease in blood pressure.

Health experts advise us to consume at least 3,500 mg of potassium a day to help lower blood pressure while preventing hypertension.

Some types of foods high in potassium can help reduce hypertension

Foods high in potassium can be found easily everyday. These foods also have good taste, so we don't need to hesitate to eat them regularly.

Here are foods that are high in potassium.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes that are made as pasta naturally turned out to provide 905 mg of tomatoes. It's just that processed tomato sauce that we can find on the market is actually high in sodium which can increase blood pressure. For this reason we must be more careful in consuming vegetables with this refreshing taste.

2. Avocados

One of the fruits favored by many people because it has a tasty and filling taste can also help overcome hypertension. This is caused by the presence of 975 mg of potassium in one avocado. In fact, avocados are also high in good fat content that can nourish blood vessels, the heart, and prevent strokes.

3. Beetroot

Inside a cup of beetroot contains 655 mg of potassium. In addition, we can also get other healthy nutrients such as vitamin B6 and vitamin C, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, and folate.

4. Watermelon

Many people who do not know if watermelon is refreshing is also high in potassium. If we consume two pieces of fruit that are high in water content, we can get 640 mg of potassium. Besides being able to reduce blood pressure, watermelon also has a high content of lycopene which can help prevent cancer from coming.

5. Edamame beans

This bean, which has a shape similar to soybeans, also has high potassium content. If we consume only one cup, then we can get 676 mg of potassium. In addition, in edamame it is also high in protein and essential micronutrients which can nourish muscles.

It's just that, if we want to lower blood pressure, it's best not to add salt sprinkles to edamame beans to reduce sodium intake.

6. Potatoes

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are very delicious for consumption in warm conditions. Unexpectedly, both are also high in potassium and vitamin A which can help lower blood pressure. For information, there are 438 mg of potassium in potatoes. Meanwhile, sweet potatoes have a higher potassium content, which is 950 mg.

7. Yogurt

One of the foods that are consumed more frequently by people who are on this diet is also high in potassium, you know. For example, if we consume a cup of yogurt, we will get 380 grams of potassium. If we also add pieces of fruit that are high in potassium such as bananas to this yogurt, the health benefits will also increase.

Only, make sure that the yogurt consumed does not have a high sugar content in order to maintain ideal body weight.

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